Look I was in a boxing match yesterday and caught a right hook under the left ey...

Draymond Green Personal Update Look I was in a boxing match yesterday and caught a right hook under the left ey…

in Players

Sporati @ Warriors’ Draymond Green Social Media update

Look I was in a boxing match yesterday and caught a right hook under the left eye lol…. Grind flow no haircut… About to take off #birdflow

Draymond’s Instagram post information

Green’s social media post titled Look I was in a boxing match yesterday and caught a right hook under the left ey… is credited to Draymond Green on instagram account money23green and currently has 279 likes as of posting.

We are all fans of Draymond Green, follow our posts on Draymond Green Social Media!


  1. So is this what you do when your not taking pics of everyone asleep? Take pictures of yourself!! Hahaha

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