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LeBron James (36 PTS, 10 REB, 10 AST) and Anthony Davis (43 PTS, 9 REB) led the Lakers to a Game 5 win over the Portland Trail Blazers to lift the #1 seed …
Video information
This NBA’s video is titled LeBron & AD Combine For 79 PTS In Game 5 Win! | NBA Playoffs and credited to NBA. Viewing time is 00:04:54, enjoy our fellow NBA fans!
i think what chuck meant is "If Blazers wing game 1, they will be swept"
Should have scored one more to make it 81 as a tribute to Kobe Bryant
Lake show????????
When they play like this, they are unstoppable ???
79 points combined to beat a poor Portland’s team by 9? Lol
Surprised not to see racist ignorant comments about the players protest against racial injustice
R.I.P KOBE LOVE U ????????????????????????
Jebron Lames.
What a bunch of crap . Lets go bounce. A ball so the can give ma ma a new house so all there half brothers and sisters can live in
No Lillard, and the Lakers barely won. That doesn't bode well for the Lakers.
Thank you , All the players in the NBA advancing the devil's agenda in the name of BLM a purely evil organization.
LeBron and AD is unstoppable Lakers 2020 champs king james will Reign Supreme 4th chip underway???
Want God do it so proud of you you two keep up good team work
Show this to the N.B.A. Players. Tell them Grim would like for them to respond on this.
why should anyone be impressed 2 of the top 3 players join forces and dominate like some suckas
LeBron ?
Rockets go beat lakers in 7 next round????. Bron go choke vs houston
With the series victory tonight, LeBron James continues his streak of never losing in the first round of the playoffs in his career.
He is now 14-0 (NBA Record)
They are so goated
Lebron finally learn how to pass to a good team player
Who cares
Let's go Lakers For The Win For Fighting In NBA WESTERN FINALS AGAINST Clippers Team Lebron James against team Kawhi leonard
lmao bron gets layups whenever he wants
https://youtu.be/eS493A7px0o Pablo Escobar Anthem
LeBron bullying these chumps.. lmao
Can't stop him going to the basket, this is playoff time now!???LBJ???
Why play this country hates you o yeah the pay you millions