NBA – on white privilege and the need for white people to get engaged in the struggle…

in NBA

Sporati @ NBA’s Social Media update

@mcuban on white privilege and the need for white people to get engaged in the struggle for racial equality. #NBAVoices

NBA’s Instagram post information

NBA’s social media post titled on white privilege and the need for white people to get engaged in the struggle… is credited to #WholeNewGame on instagram account nba and currently has 171902 likes as of posting.

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  1. Did you know? One of history’s longest wars likely lasted for 335 years and was between the Netherlands and the Isles of Sicily. Not a single person was killed.

  2. I’m curious if players In the NBA can put any message on their jersey. Would players be allowed to put #Maga if they wanted?

  3. White privilege is a made up term coined by the left to deter from some of the real issues in America.

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