WWE – & are set to battle in a non-title matchup TONIGHT on …

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Sporati @ WWE’s Social Media update

@mikethemiz & @johnhennigan are set to battle #HeavyMachinery in a non-title matchup TONIGHT on #SmackDown! @otis_wwe @tucker_wwe

WWE’s Instagram post information

WWE’s social media post titled & are set to battle in a non-title matchup TONIGHT on … is credited to WWE on instagram account wwe and currently has 152183 likes as of posting.

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  1. Please cancel raw,smackdown,and postpone mania,the shows are boring to watch,cancel and postpone everything until this corona nightmare ends

  2. like to see the Big red headed dude(2nice) mentored by Shawn Michael’s get road warrior mindset… add folding chair like 3.. beat the daylights bout out of a several.. LMAO.. then TALK

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