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@thechampbailey #PFHOF19
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NFL’s social media post titled … is credited to NFL on instagram account nfl and currently has 173402 likes as of posting.
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Like if champ bailey deserves to be a hall of famer
Black people are already equal
Use me as a “nfl is soft now” button
Always gotta bring race into it smh ?????
You had one opportunity to speak of something that could unite the country. Instead, you chose to divide us even more. Continually about race.
You really used your HOF speech to play victim?? Damn shame.
Please listen.
I think he’s wrong and that this shouldn’t be promoted in your HOF speech. Even if u were Jesus people see what u look like first so yes Your a black man Pat Bolan is a white man etc. your kids have the same amount of fear as any other kids it makes it dangerous when your start making things and scenarios up in your head that don’t happen.
I saw him as a football player
I call BS. Your Champ B. Cut it out sucka
If anyone thinks this statement dosent divide people take a look at the comments
What does the hof have to do with race ?
Everyone that’s white in the comments are throwing shade. Everyone of color is respecting the msg. His point is proven. Y’all can do and be better.
Anyone else tired of the racial divide being pushed now a days? Its only the way it is because people keep speaking it into existence.
Bro I just don’t understand anymore — who sees Champ Bailey and thinks this is a black man. Subconsciously you do, we all do, but c’mon son we all know who you are for who you are. We gotta get better as a community and understand that racism is the minority now and people are really making strides in the right direction.
These white people saying “wHy dO yOu HaVe tO bRiNg RaCe iNtO iT” are part of the fucking problem and clearly aren’t LISTENING.
if y’all have a problem with simply being asked to listen, you ARE the problem
Lot of racists in the comments. Real shame they cannot understand the gravity of the situation and the importance of the platform. People get so scared when they’re uncomfortable.
Champ asked if folks would listen. This comment section is showing some folks aren’t capable or worse, just don’t want to
People love to think that the issue of race doesn’t exist. That it was solved 60 years ago in the civil rights movement, or 150 years ago in the civil war, the gag rule of 1863 was a rule placed by congress, prohibiting any talk about black treatment or slavery in America. The civil war broke out a few years later. It would be nice for everyone to just get along and act like the issue doesn’t exist but it does whether or not you see it. Prejudice is something bred into many, maybe because of their parents, maybe because of news, but once you are able to look past what you’ve been taught you’ll realize what you’ve been missing. Look inside yourself, focus on clearing your lens and looking at the issue from someone else’s perspective and you’ll see, #pleaselisten
Its always the black people that have problem woth white people.Rarely the other way around.