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10 Best Food to Help you Build Lean Muscles

in Fitness


Food is one of the key to have a healthy body. We need to eat to nourish our body and furnish energy.

For those people working out and cutting weight “food” is so vital which they are very conscious about it.

Our food intake should be essentially rich in protein, carbohydrate, and good fats to help us sustain growth, repair, and vital processes for our body.

To build lean muscles protein are very essential. Protein is what body needs during and after training for muscles repair and recovery. You need at least 200g of protein and gallon of water a day.

Besides exercise like lifting or watching calorie intake; check out our top 10 items to put on your protein-friendly grocery list!

  1. Eggs – this is a perfect breakfast meal cooked hard boiled, sunny side up, scrambled or omelet. Add some wheat or whole grain toast for a full heavy meal.
    • Protein Power: 6 g per 1 large egg
  2. Cheese – this can be a perfect snack or toppings on your pasta or salads.
    • Protein Power: 14 g per 1/2 cup serving
  3. Greek Yogurt – perfect for midnight snacking. So many flavors now to choose.
    • Protein Power: 23 g per 8 oz. serving
  4. Tofu – best for a dinner meal, slightly fried.
    • Protein Power: 12 g per 3 oz. serving
  5. Quinoa – is a high protein grain, this best serve on dinner as it very light and easy to digest.
    • Protein Power: 8 g per 1 cup serving
  6. Beef Steak – lean steak provide a generous amount of protein. Best eat this meal during lunch with some vegetables on the side.
    • Protein Power: 23 g per 3 oz. serving
  7. Chicken Breast – this poultry meat is easy to cook and cheaper than beef which has almost the same amount of protein. It is good to eat this on lunch or dinner.
    • Protein Power: 24 g per 3 oz. serving
  8. Pork Chop – choose boneless and remove fats to reduce calories.
    • Protein Power: 26 g per 3 oz. serving
  9. Salmon – this is one of people’s favorite meat. So easy to prepare and cook.
    • Protein Power: 23 g per 3 oz. serving
  10. Mixed Nuts – are good as morning snacks or food to munch right after workout. Make sure to watch out for sodium/salt.
    • Protein Power: 6 g per 2 oz. serving

We just need enough protein to build and repair muscles, and most of the time we don’t need supplements just eat most from the above list.

There are more protein rich foods in the pyramid like most of the vegetables and fruits. Make sure to always eat a balance diet.

Eating should makes us feel happy and content.

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